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Radiomuse #23 | Radio Orange Vienne

jeudi 12 mars 2020

Dregs Hardcore Punk in its essence. By outcasts for outcasts. Fast riffs, angry mosh parts and messages aimed to empower the ones that should run the scene. Women to the front, queers to the front. Up the punks. Reflect on yourself. Dregs are: Julie Hill (Vocals), Dom Del Icious (Guitar), Moritz on bass and Ray (Drums) from Vienna (At).
Dregs Releases: „Demo“ 2018 Doom Studios (powered by No Firecrackers please)
Dregs „Watch out“ 7"EP REFUSE #153 (100 Pinkcolored Vinyl 250 Black 18 test press / sold out) & 32 tour press, alt. cover (available only at shows), released September 2019 on Refuse Records.
Dom Del Icious talks about the bands view over the Austrian punk scene, international Festivals and the EP "Watch out".
Vocalist Julie Hill, David and Dom Del Icious have also a sideproject called Morbid.
It is a DIY Rawpunk Band that got recorded at last at Dom’s bedroom.
Morbid is available as DIY demo tape or digital on We listen to „Farwell“ from the selfreleased Demo Tape. (2019)

I have a vist at Sissy Sound Records, a store that just opened in fall 2019. Its is operated by owner Holger van Dordrecht. Since
2011 van Doderecht already hosts the event „Nil Desperandum“, he is editor of Volksstimme, DJ Sissyboi with edutainer Drehli Robnik and operate Nervenerve.
Sissy Sound Records is a local and international Vinyl, MC, CD, Book, Movie and Merch Store in the heart of Vienna’s 5th district Margareten.

Brigitta Bödenauer is an installation artist, experimental filmmaker and electronic musician based in Vienna. Brigitta has been active as DJ and organizer in Viennas noise and experimentel music scene since the early 1990s. She was a resident DJ at event series like „Club Duchamp“ (Blue Box), „escape lounge“ (t0 public netbase) or the co-organised series „Sundays out of service“ (rhiz).

I ask her about the various stages in her artistic development and a description of some important works.She talks about how the musicians' role on stage has changed in the 1990s and why she believes that it consequently started a local trend which has been subsumed under the term „Austrian Abstracts“.
Together with Rita Stratjel and Peter Votava aka Pure (Mego/Vienna) she curated and organized „Cinemasonic Lounge“, one of Vienna’s first audiovisual clubs (Schikaneder Kino 1999). With the „Innovative Cinema Award“-winning film „Don´t touch me when I start to fell safe“ (Diagonale Filmfestival 2004) she started working with experimental animation.

In collaboration with Peter Kutin she presented her first light & sound installation „How far is 12 cm?“ in 2011. „Stranded“ is once again a work of hers that is rooted in the tradition of visual music and expanded cinema: vibrations caused by low frequency sounds generate glowing oscillating figures in space. Most recently „Stranded“ was shown in a solo exhibition at Vita Kuben Gallery/Norrlandsopera in Umeå, Sweden. Currently Bödenauer works on „We wont close our umbrellas“, a light and sound piece which is conceived as a live performance or a spatial installation. It premiered in 2018 at WRO Art Center in Wroclaw, Poland and is being continuously expanded and revised since then.


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